Your job with Couples
Just Got Easier
Discover the New Science
of Lasting Love
From the Founders of

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Special Pricing Includes:
- Helping Couples Book ($18.99 Retail)
- Access to Live Online Event ($25 Retail)
- Entry to Win Private Consult with Drs. Les & Leslie
($45 Value)
Backed by a Mountain of Research
Helping Couples Reveals the Secrets to Lasting Love
Drs. Les and Leslie Parrott and Dr. David Olson – renowned marriage experts and founders of the two largest marriage assessments, SYMBIS and PREPARE/ENRICH – share what they have learned from decades of research involving more than five million couples. Packed with practical and proven methods, data-driven techniques, and immediately usable strategies, Helping Couples includes:
- The secrets – and the science – behind couples who thrive with lasting love
- Why romantic love is never enough, and what to do about it
- Strategies to instantly help reduce conflicts and increase intimacy
- The game-changing boost that scientific assessment tools give couples at any age or stage
- Four common myths about marriage and how to debunk them
- The distilled wisdom from hundreds of insightful surveys and studies
The ultimate guide for coaches, counselors, and clergy who want to know what really works!
Who is helping couples for?

Wondering whether or not your counsel with couple is really making a difference? Wonder not
more. This book provides proven approaches for nearly any couple that walks in your office.

You want the very best for the couples seeking your help. Now you can offer it with more
confidence than ever. Why? Because these strategies are ready-to-use and backed by research.

Ready to up your game as a professional? Refresh your therapeutic toolbox with what social
science has recently revealed about what really works with couples – and what doesn’t.
What the experts are saying
Team Bundle
special bundle offer for Teams of 5 or more
- 5 Copies of the Helping Couples Book ($95 Retail)
- Team Access to Live Online Event ($125 Retail)
- Entry to win Private Zoom Session with Les & Leslie
($220 Value)